Mediumschool Soulconnections


Stands for the cooperation between the spiritual world and the soul, between body and mind and from man to man. (Brotherhood of Man)


Feel welcome to become the master of your own soul.


During these demonstrations I’ll make contact with your deceased loved ones and provide you with the proof that your loved ones are still around.

“A journey that will last forever, a love that transcends everything”.

Experience the infinite and unconditional love of your friends and build that  friendship that has always been there. I myself sit in trance in my home Circle for a couple of years. And because of the friendship with the friends over the rainbow, I am able to help you to bring your own guides closer.
Journey of Trance 16 Februari 2020

“With love we will let you know and feel that we will always be there to teach you about our world and your world”

The Voice .


cursus “Journey of trance”

Danielle Nijhuis

cooperation between
the spiritual world and soul,

body and soul


 Feel welcome to become the master of your soul.

Once you are aware of the fundamental spiritual realities on which all life is based, try to become a pure channel for that force that has changed your life so that it can fulfill the same charity in others.

“Silver Birch”

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