SCS Foundation in the Netherlands
The SCS Foundation (Spiritualist Center Soulconnections) was officially established on March 30, 2021 and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce with the Chamber of Commerce number RSIN 82364605. On (date) the SCS Foundation has applied for an Associated Body of the Spiritualist National Union based in England. This means that the SCS-foundation has adopted, accepted and propagate the religion Spiritualism with the 7 basic principles as a guiding philosophy.
Promoting, spreading and propagating Spiritualism involves knowledge and development. Knowledge of religious philosophy and the history of the religion Spiritualism is an aim and requires continuous development which the SCS-foundation is fundamentally based upon. This is reflected in the many charitable activities that are held under the SCS-foundation.
Healing is an act of love from Spirit, through Spirit to Spirit
Giving insight into their own pathway, learning to grow and experience all there is to Spiritualism. Also creating awareness. Every month a Spiritual Service is offered to anyone who wants to participate.
Building a Community together
The board members of the SCS-foundation are: Danielle Nijhuis (President/ Chair), Diana Kampshoff (Vice President/ Replace Chair), Kimberley van Egmond (Secretary), Iwan Nijhuis (Treasurer). Naturally, the board members do not receive any compensation for their work. The foundation’s activities are currently taking place online. Should there be space and opportunity in the world again, we can return to our location in the beautiful monastery Dolphia at Enschede (Koenraadzaal or the Location of the business centre) which we are very much looking forward to too meet each other!
Would you like to support us? Donations are very welcome!
This can be in financial form for which you can use the donate button, but people who volunteer to share their knowledge and skills are also more than welcome. This way we can organize even more activities

1. The Fatherhood of God.
2. The Brotherhood of Man.
3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
4.The Continues Existence of the Human soul.
5.Personal Responsibility.
6.Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth.
7.Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul.

Education Tutor SH2
Founder of Soulconnections 2015
President Stg SCS
Awarding CSNU
Awarding CSNU t Teacher
Hello my name is

Within the SNU I am working on the Accreditation in Speaking and Demonstration (Inspired
speaking and demonstrating mediumship)
My Vice Presidency is an extension of this. In this role I can make and / or offer a constructive
contribution to allow everyone to awaken his or her awareness
Hello my name is
In the following years, after my studies, I started to specialize in development and mental growth,
in both children and adults. Although I had a very nice life, a sweet husband, sweet children and a
nice job, it still felt like something was missing. The emptiness of “missing”.
In 2018 I came into contact with the religion Spiritualism. I found my “home” in this.
All puzzle pieces came together. Development and meaning are important keywords in Spirituality.
At which awareness is the moment of reflection of the insight into this development. From there
meaning will follow.
For me, Spiritualism with the accompanying mediumship and guidance of the spiritual
development of others is what makes me complete.

My heart especially starts to glow from the Healing mediumship and the history of Spiritualism
and everything that comes with it. I am now also training in the HAS process, Healing
Accreditation Scheme, via SNU and can therefore start as a Trainee healing medium.
I hope that we can touch many hearts with the foundation!
Hello my name is
country. In daily life I work in healthcare. I care for people with disabilities and who are the sweetest and nicest people i’ve met, after I took a small side trip within childcare. Within this work I can put my intuitive abilities to good use. In addition to everything I do now within mediumship, this is my great passion, working in healthcare with the purest souls out there.
Actually, I have always been sensitive to atmospheres and emotions. This took a long time before I really learned to understand how to deal with it and after a period of severe stagnation at the age of about 16 I came on the path of intuitive development and took my first steps. But it always felt like there had to be more, I still didn’t have that feeling of coming home, not that feeling of being truly who I am.
About 4 years ago I came across Mediumship and Spiritualism and started to study at Soulconnections. Mediumship and Spiritualism were fairly new to me, but have turned my life 180 degrees around in a very short time. Finally I have the feeling of being at home. With a new family that I’ve met, full of people who are like-minded and have the same life but all have their own
unique drive.

Hello my name is
I am a business economist and work in the financial world on a daily basis.
I am not working in mediumship but an interest in sensitivity and the spiritual world has always
been there.
For the importance of the foundation and Spiritualism in the Netherlands and the representation of
the Spiritualist National Union I help the ladies to represent the business aspects.