Online-Aura Reading-mediumship-reading -Trance-DanielleNijhuis-Klooster-Doplhia


The journey of Trance online

English Spoken
Everything about the different states of consciousness and the way to infinity.
The light who you really are !
Join us on this special journey when you feel that you are ready for the next step in deepening your mediumship.
On 11 evenings online all facets will be discussed and explored.
Sit in a circle, explore trance Speaking And Trance healing.
Connect with your own friends from across the rainbow.
The spirit team that works with you.
Danielle Nijhuis will also guide you in setting up your own trance circle.
Step along in this journey the depth of the spiritual world and the connection with your soul and your guides.
I have been sitting for Spirit in my home circle for trance for a number of years and what is even more possible.
This development has given my mediumship a big boost. My friends (guides) found it time to take people along in this journey.
And allowed the spirit world in your life.
Your own development on a journey to the infinite love of the spiritual world.
Trance is Mental Mediumship and is suitable for everyone,but we need to understand that Trance will be develop by sitting in the present of Spirit and allowed them to draw close.
11 evenings 1 once a month
7 -09 ,5 -10 ,2 -11 ,7 -12 2021/
4 -01, 1-02, 1-03, 5-04, 3-05, 7-06, 5-07 2022
Cost: € 595,00

Online-Aura Reading-mediumship-reading -Trance-DanielleNijhuis-Klooster-Doplhia


Private Teaching


Book a 3 hour session with Danielle Nijhuis CSNUt on the subject of Trance.

These Three hours online by zoom,Danielle will guide you in to the depth of the moment of peace and help you unfold futher you connections with the Spirit world.

For Trance Healing and Trance Healing

95 Euro per sitting  1 person

*Also possible to book a three hour session for a whole circle (price 150 Euro for a Circle session online )


Online-Aura Reading-mediumship-reading -Trance-DanielleNijhuis-Klooster-Doplhia


Trance mediumship


With trance mediumship, the medium increases or decreases the frequency of his or her energy. As a result, he / she actually switches his or her consciousness more or less out of which it sometimes appears that the medium itself is asleep or is not present in the body. Because consciousness is eliminated, it is easier for the spiritual world to come closer and ‘use’ the body of the medium as it were. Trance falls under mental mediumship and we ourself call it a different state of consciousness, but in a passive state. Also spiritual healing is often given in a Trance state. Trance voice speaking for example, is when a deceased person can speak through the vocal cords of the medium. Sometimes it is a deceased loved one who is recognized by those present. More often it is someone who is not known but who brings important, often philosophical messages from the Spiritual world. About our lives now and about life after death. Another form of trance mediumship is automatic writing. While the medium is in a trance state, his or her hand moves over the paper and writes or draws something. Once out of the trance state, there appears to be a readable and recognizable message from a deceased loved one or, for example, a portrait of a deceased person. I have noticed over the years that the most powerful way of working is a ”trance healing ”. When I go into a trance state I put my mind and head out of the way as much as possible. To make room for the healing energies that flow through and around me to the person for whom it is intended. The energy comes from my companions from the Spiritual world and can ensure that you become more balanced, understand your questions or get in touch with your feelings. It can also help you to clean up ‘old mess’ so that processing daily life gets better.

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